
This blog contains a highly addictive substance. Its side effects include: drooling, fainting, and an inability to stop staring at him


domingo, 8 de enero de 2012

"Stoker" - Mia Wasikowska (The Kids are Alright, Alice and Wonderland) plays a young girl whose uncle (Mathew Goode) moves in with her and her unstable mother (Nicole Kidman) after the death of her father and she finds herself both wary and drawn-in by his motives.
South Korean director Park Chan-Wook makes his American debut here and I couldn’t be more exciting. “Oldboy” and “Thirst” are classic films in my opinion, blending graphic violence and twisted story-telling to near perfection. These movies stay with you for years afterward, which is the true power of a genius director.
And also very interesting here is Wentworth Miller, the Princeton-educated actor most famously known as Michael from “Prison Break”, wrote the screenplay for this and it was voted as one of the 10 best screenplays floating around Hollywood back in 2010. I’m completely sold on this, give me a release date if you please.


1 comentario:

Mariana dijo...


Toco tu boca, con un dedo todo el borde de tu boca, voy dibujándola como si saliera de mi mano, como si por primera vez tu boca se entreabriera, y me basta cerrar los ojos para deshacerlo todo y recomenzar, hago nacer cada vez la boca que deseo, la boca que mi mano elige y te dibuja en la cara, una boca elegida entre todas, con soberana libertad elegida por mí para dibujarla con mi mano en tu cara, y que por un azar que no busco comprender coincide exactamente con tu boca que sonríe por debajo de la que mi mano te dibuja. Me miras, de cerca me miras, cada vez más de cerca y entonces jugamos al cíclope, nos miramos cada vez más cerca y los ojos se agrandan, se acercan entre sí, se superponen y los cíclopes se miran, respirando confundidos, las bocas se encuentran y luchan tibiamente, mordiéndose con los labios, apoyando apenas la lengua en los dientes, jugando en sus recintos, donde un aire pesado va y viene con un perfume viejo y un silencio.


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