
This blog contains a highly addictive substance. Its side effects include: drooling, fainting, and an inability to stop staring at him


viernes, 20 de diciembre de 2013

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Is WMiller with his father?
Can you explain the context this photo, I don't understand?!! Please, thanks.

Liz dijo...

Yes, they are.They published a cartoon (drawn by Wentworth and wrote by his dad)in Sewickle's school newspaper...

Anónimo dijo...

They are both beautiful!

morena39 dijo...

divertida caricatura !!
me imagino lo que tuvieron que disfrutar padre e hijo , desarrollando dicho trabajo !!.
no hay nada como una buena relacion entre padre e hijo ...
gracias , siempre .

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