
This blog contains a highly addictive substance. Its side effects include: drooling, fainting, and an inability to stop staring at him


sábado, 27 de noviembre de 2010

1 comentario:

Mariana dijo...


Today I searched
news from you ...

What I read
was pure evil which
did a black light
hover in my being...

Tears of disappointment
insisted on falling ...

My heart asked:
why is there someone
they just want the bad
to whom only does good ...

If I think
in what they're saying of you
I die of chagrin, love

But my chest is strong
and forgive the ignorants,
forget all evil ...

I know that the audience
need you...

So... come ... come soon
cheer me with your smile...

Come to cherish whom
suffers for you ...

Do not let happiness
lose my address ...

Come ... comes
make me happy again!!!!

Google Search
